Thursday, May 17, 2012

Why am I obsessed with covers?

I forgot to do covers last Thursday, which is to a degree just utterly depressing because, well, covers are why I get up in the morning.

Coldplay's cover of "(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right to Party" by The Beastie Boys
This *pause for dramatic effect* actually happened. In honor of the late Adam Yauch.

Destin Lecornu's cover of "Youth Without Youth" by Metric
Destin is an incredibly talented guy, and not even just in music. If I ever knew a future millionaire, I think it's this guy. Get his autograph now.

Fiona Apple's cover of "Across the Universe" by The Beatles
I think this was on a playlist we used to do yoga to because every time it gets to the "jai guru deva om" part, my back starts to ache a little. Also, big fan of the music video.

"This is not a revolt. This is a revolution."

xx coco

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