Saturday, May 12, 2012

Everything is Groovy

"Travelling" by Paper Lions
Pogo sticks? Did I see pogo sticks?

"Summer of '89" by Butch Walker & The Black Widows
Funny story about Butch Walker. I saw him open for Train. Train. Gentle, sweet Train. But the first red flag should have been the black-clad contingent of middle aged women with their red fingernails curled around martinis hanging on the edge of the stage for Butch. The second red flag: his name was Butch. But he comes out, quite possibly high, wearing a black leather jacket with tight pants (and he's way old for that, flag three?), and around his 4th or 5th song, he starts getting a little crazy. And then, for his finale, Butch jumps on top of the drum and starts kicking things over and playing his guitar in all sorts of crazy positions and...well, I fail to recall if he actually broke a guitar or not. Definitely popped strings. I mean, the Butch fans are eating it up, meanwhile 96% of the people at the concert, all there for Train, have the same What could I possibly be witnessing right now, and how can I make it stop? look on their faces.
This all being said, I kind of like this song. And that night he covered "Rich Girl" with a banjo.


"Cannibal Resource" by The Dirty Projectors
Slight obsession. It's ok.

I don't know if you guys are getting that "The Fabric of My Life" ad before videos, but if I hear, "The touch, the feel of cotton" one more time, I will be liable to inflict physical and/or emotional damage on anyone within my vicinity.

On this note, happy listening!

xx coco

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