Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A journey of the soul, if you will

Yo! Onward into Musicland!

"Bang Pop" by Free Energy
The first time I heard this song was on an airplane. Real jamzz. But the music video... not sure what that's going for. High school makes me shudder.

*Warning* The last line of the song contains explicit language. So if you're not cool with that, pause it around 3:22.
"Claws Off" by Margot & The Nuclear So and So's
Hit or miss. It gets a little strange at times. Partly I might just like it because The Royal Tenenbaums has forever made me partial to the name Margot.

"Be Thou My Vision" by Andy Hull
His other songs are a little Elliot Smithesque, while we're on the subject of The Royal Tenenbaums. Gorgeous take on an old hymn.

What a day, what a day.

xx coco

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