Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Summer. Bring It.

Summer is here. You can tell because because driving with the sunroof down feels really, really good with music blasting. I know. I tested it out today. Summer seal of approval.

So, summer themed music?

"In The Summertime" by Mungo Jerry"
You love it. You have to. You just do. Check out those chops. Why aren't those in style now?

Wait, why were they in style then? Actually, were they even in style then? The 70s were a different time, children.

"Summer House" by Gold Motel
This song... Has demotivational effects. Careful.

"Summertime" by Sublime
I don't think any song quite epitomizes summer like this. It's a classic, whatcha gonna do?

Lemonade. We need lemonade.

xx coco

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