Saturday, May 5, 2012

¡Cinco De Mayo!

Hola, todos! In honor of today's festivities, I'm putting up some music en Español.

And, well, yeah, I am being culturally incorrect because not all of today's music is coming from Mexico even though Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday. But it's in Spanish. So, it's at least an effort.

Y soy gringa.

"Mediocre" por Ximena Sariñana
This Mexicana can really belt it.

"Camisa Negra" por Juanes
I wish I could play the beginning of this song on guitar. I wish I could play guitar at all...
Juanes es de Colombia.

"1977" por Ana Tijoux
Ana Tijoux is actually Chilean and French, which is pretty sweet. And she's pretty proud of being born in 1977. And she's rockin the track suit.

And the song I really wanted to put on here was "Ya No Queda Nada" por La Traba, but it's not on youtube, nor any other place on the internet as nearly as I can tell. Even Grooveshark. But it's on spotify, if you have that, and you should seriously listen to it.

xx coco

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