Friday, April 13, 2012

Gotta Get Down on Friday!

Friday! Time for a little Rebecca Black here at Coco Cappuccino!

Yeah, just kidding. I didn't even have you fooled.

In the spirit of a little Friday excitement for the weekend, I've been grooving on some upbeat songs like...

"48 Roses" by Mariachi El Bronx
With four different lovers and 48 roses, probably what he actually needs is a secretary to follow him around keeping track of names and dates. Though that could lead to 56 roses.

"This Girl" by Punch Brothers

Mariachi, bluegrass, I'm all over the place today! This is just such a sweet song.

"One Day Like This" by Elbow
So old, so perfect. Listening to this song is akin to laying in a field of marigolds and watching the the sun set.

Aaaaaand today wouldn't be complete without a personal favorite (I must say that so often):
"The Rabbit, the Bat, and the Reindeer" by Dr. Dog
The best part of the whole song is that moment at about 1:34 when there's the slightest beat and the two discordant chords before launching into more vocals. Chills.

Happy Friday!!

xx coco

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