Friday, April 20, 2012

F to the riday!

Aw yeeah! Why is it that everyone adores Fridays when they're still weekdays, and Saturdays, which are wholly devoted to being weekend days, seem a little less exciting? Whatever. It's Friday, and for this I shall sing and leap about and show you some hot tunes.

"Coin Laundry" by Lisa Mitchell
Oh, hey girl who lives in a secret world inside the laundry room. That's not weird at all.

 "My Body" by Young the Giant
I'm so out of touch with society that last week my use of Fergie as an example of a superstar provoked laughter, but I feel as though it's safe to assume most people have heard Cough Syrup by now, so I thought I'd post another gem of theirs. About to go to their concert! Kind of stoked.

"My Valentine" by Paul McCartney
And yes, that is Natalie Portman and Johnny Depp.  Paul.  Oh, Paul..  Got to love the mildly haunting love songs.

On another semi-related note, the Beatles' sons are thinking of forming a band. Yeah, you read that right. James McCartney is spearheading this thang, followed by Sean Lennon, Dhani Harrison, and either Zak or Jason Starkey (Ringo's boys). The only one not totally on board is Zak, but lil bro Jason has been suggested as the alternate drummer. *Insert crack about Ringo here* If you're interested in some of their work, there's a couple links below.
James McCartney's "I Only Want to Be Alone"
Dhani Harrison's band Thenewno2's Shelter
Sean Lennon's "Dead Meat"
Zak Starkey's "Won't Get Fooled Again" Drum Fill (because as far as I know, Jason Starkey doesn't exist on the internet, and hence mustn't at all)
They all have pieces of the puzzle. Think together they might be able to pull on those phenomenal genes of theirs and form a decent band? Here come the sons.

I cannot be the first to make that joke.

xx coco

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