Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Chill, Brah. We got this.

Today, my friends, is a chill day; it's the kind of day where you need/want to sit back and listen to something 100% effortless. And if it's not that day for you today, it will be soon, and you're gonna need music like this.

"Afternoon" by Youth Lagoon
Who says chill can't still be upbeat?

"Six Days at the Bottom of the Ocean" by Explosions in the Sky
Explosions in the Sky may be the most beautiful study music of all time. Or sleeping music. Depending on how much coffee you haven't had.

"Ave Maria" by Bach/Gounod (Bach's Prelude in C Major with Gounod's melody, in case you were dying to know)
It never hurts to dip your toes in the classical universe. This song won out over Debussy's "Claire de Lune" even though that scene at the end of Ocean's 11 won me over forever. 

Now chill out, go get a cup of tea/coffee/your drink of choice, take a breath, and do what you need to do.

xx coco

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