Monday, August 27, 2012

Wonderful World

Today I haven't much to say. That's alright sometimes. Today I'm posting music that I'm picking up from new west coast friends. Enjoy.

"She Spider" by Mew
Waaaarning! Don't get too comfortable with the volume turned up because after you think it's not going to get louder, BOOM! Only a few days ago I was introduced to Mew, and it's not really my usual genre, but for some reason I'm really digging it. It's a little bit more intense than I'm used to, but I like it.

"Stupid" by Seastroke
I recently met the drummer, and I have to say that I'm pretty impressed with this band. I wasn't really expecting to hear what I did, but their singer has a really calm, sweet voice. This song is a good combination of energy and chill. Bravo, Seastroke.

"Elephant" by Tame Impala
I had to round it out with something with a little rock to it. The voice is very Beatles, "I Am the Walrus" status. Also a huge fan of the heavy guitar in this song. Lovely beat.

So, my roommate is from Tijuana, and she's pretty much the most hilarious human being I have encountered. Ever. I have actually started a log of quotes from her. The most recent one went a little like this:

Me: "I really don't know what to write about this song."
Her (imagine the adorable, innocent Mexican accent, please): "Don't write anything! Just be like, I'm not posting anymore and my followers can suck it!"
*laughing, I reach for my phone to write it down*
Her: *offended* "Are you gonna say that?! At least give me credit!"

She then proceeded to yell at me about how I can't steal her words without paying her and how I'm not allowed in her mind.

And she's now singing a song from the next room over to the tune of that "Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye" song except the lyrics are about how I am evil. Tijuana is a less lively place with her in California.

xx coco

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