Tuesday, July 3, 2012

So... I'm back.

So, for quite a while, I've been away.  Not away, physically, just decidedly not updating Coco Cappuccino. I can't give you a great excuse. Honestly, I just became more and more discouraged as I couldn't see direct proof that this blog had anything to do with anyone's life, that it made any sort of difference or mattered at all whatsoever. Then one day, I simply didn't click that taunting orange "Publish" button.

And my friends, for this I apologize.

After great amounts of pressure from select family and friends, I logged back in and was absolutely overwhelmed to see that, even in my rude absence, CocoCapp was being checked by so many users daily, even though I've failed to post for months. Scouring the internet for new and interesting music might not save the world. It might not end any crises or help anyone in particular. But it does make some people happy, and this matters about as much as any light gesture I could make could. So, I am back. And I'll be keeping you updated with music, just like you like it. However, this time I'm going to make it more manageable by posting twice a week and making these posts more special. This way, I won't get overwhelmed and lose steam again.

Life is so short. Far too short to keep all that music to myself. Music is meant to be shared and loved by as many as possible. With this, I give you "Coco Cappuccino Returns: Curse of the Sometimes Borderline Hipster Tunes."

"Simple Kind of Lovely" by Kara's Flowers (Maroon 5)
Kara's Flowers, actually, is the name that Maroon 5 used as they started out, somewhat unsuccessfully. They changed their name to evade the Kara's Flowers pop-rock past. Or at least, that's what Wikipedia told me when I wondered. 

"Do You Remember" by Ane Brun
Let me tell you, there's no such thing as too weird. Also, this guy is a great actor. Doesn't her voice remind you a lil of Florence?

"People C'mon" by Delta Spirit
Delta Spirit is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. There's a thunderstorm outside my home and it happens to be wonderful "I'm perfectly happy but sort of angsty" music. And I mean that in the best possible way.

I've seen some amazing things since we last spoke. I've traveled some. I went to Bonnaroo, I chatted with Flea of the RHCP, I watched Radiohead from on top of Skrillex's tour bus, and I mistook The Civil Wars for a married couple (...but they're so cute together!!). And now, I look forward to sharing these things with you, the internet.

xx coco

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