Tuesday, October 9, 2012

New Stuff, New Stuff, Yeah!

Umm, it'll help a lot if you read the title of today's post with an excited sort of jingle. Today I have some serious gems for you!

"The One Difference Between Tattoos and Scars is the Pretty Colors" by James Wilson Howard
I'm really hoping this video player doesn't backfire on me, but I'm going to assume if I don't receive any messages, it works. James is a recent (but close) friend of mine, and I'm in awe of this guy's musical abilities. He's so handy with a guitar, and you'd never guess that the man is seriously into screamo. This song I've been wanting to upload for so long but couldn't decide how I wanted to do it. I decided to just upload a quick video of my own since this mp3 soo incredibly rare. His recorded stuff, Pacific Coast Eulogy, can't be found on the internet, so if you're interested in more of this, send me an email at heycococapp@gmail.com!

"Pillow Talk" by Wild Child
How fantastic is this song?! Lets start with the totally not obnoxious use of the ukulele. It gives the song an uplifting vibe despite the rather dismal subject. This song walks a fine line between a love song and a wistful breakup song, helped along particularly by Kelsey Wilson's vintage-sounding vocals. Expect more Wild Child in the future.

"No Nostalgia" by AgesandAges
Feel-good song of the week. Usually I'd say that harmony in nearly every line is a no go because it gets so chaotic, but somehow this song pulls it off. And it makes the unity around 2:39 that much more striking. Feel free to disagree, but somehow it feels like AgesandAges captures the feeling of youth here; it's exuberant and bright and sort of raw.

Have a lovely day, dear listeners!

xx coco

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Música, eh?

So, pumpkin season has officially begun. That's a reason to dance. Here's some music to which you can pumpkin celebration dance.

"Silver Lining" by Guards
This has been a real favorite lately. You know how there are those songs you can only listen to alone, and then there's the songs that are for listening to in more social settings? This song manages to overcome that barrier and is listenable with just about anyone. Even your grandma, if she's hip enough. [Insert awful joke about hip replacements] It's also just upbeat enough to be a good song when you're in a great mood but just subdued enough to not crash a mellow mood. Versatile little sucker.

"Gold" by Conner Youngblood
First, let's appreciate that this artist is called Conner Youngblood. Now that we're over that, Youngblood has a really recognizable sound. He's got this knack for very lofty, soothing melodies. Also, notice the banjo that strums softly in the background. I will own up to being among those of our generation totally in love with the banjo. But he does a great job of integrating a lot of different genres (his myspace labels him bluegrass/club/indie, though I'm not sure how accurate that is) into one beautiful sound.

The Hours" by Exitmusic
Besides having the most depressing visuals in the history of all time, this song can lay claim to some of the most beautiful lyrics I've heard in a long, long time. Given that most of you won't look them up, I'm taking the liberty of copying and pasting them here. You're welcome.

Give me back the hours
They're mine to waste
The city and it's sorrows holds my gaze

Crimsoned are the hours
Bled to death by idle hands of time

Look up the sky's awake, the sun is shining
The gloom and the haze have both burned away by morning
Oh, L.A., what's written in sand
Your cities and plans, the ocean will erase

Images from silence slow to wake
Prepare yourself to leave this soft, soft state
It's a chase of lightning
Brightened skyline, endless days I've longed

Home, home, home

Look up the sky's awake, the sun is shining
The gloom and the haze have both burned away by morning
Oh, L.A., what's written in sand
Your cities and plans, the ocean will erase

So the next time someone tells you poetry is gone from today's music, give them a dirty glare and start listing off the names of bands they've never heard of. You'll have tons of friends.

xx coco

Friday, September 28, 2012


Sooo, I've been absent. Again. Sorry.

But like a neglectful mother that attempts to compensate for her lack of physical affection and time spent with her child by dumping lavish, unnecessary gifts upon the darling's poor, unloved head...

Here's a ton of music.

"Recklessness" by Radical Dads
I had intended to post "Walking Wires" but couldn't find a version I liked, so this works. I love the melody, the guitar, the beat, all that jazz, but the vocals, oh those vocals! It sort of makes me feel like this. (PS has anyone ever read her twitter feed?! Here.) Otherwise, lovely music. Except who makes these music videos? Seriously, I'm getting my 13 year-old brother a GoPro for Hanukkah so he can start making bank as a music video director with the rest of these shmuckz.

Hanukkah? We're not Jewish. Awkward.

"I Really Need Love" by A Band of Bees
I appreciate the old-fashioned vibe of this. First, the band calls themselves The Bees. How much more 1960s can we get here? I definitely wouldn't be surprised to hear this song alongside the Mamas and the Papas. Except the sitar. Except I guess George Harrison was all over that thang, so been there, done that. Not the biggest fan of the music video, but it's better than an album cover youtube video.

"This Is Not a Song" by Islands
Somehow every time I hear the intro to this song, I think John Mayer is going to start singing. But I'm a big fan of the simplicity here. They take it slow, which makes it far more emotional. And I'm loving the harmony in the chorus. Islands has mastered not overdoing it; even in their music video, composed of mostly shadows, they've done a great job of giving the listener/viewer just enough. Also: day-um them lyrics are metaphysical.

"The Dream Team" by Fake Problems
A little on the punk rock side, but you've got to dig that cowbell. I mean, I need more cowbell. And the music video features what seems to be a drunken jousting tournament topped by a flour fest? Sooo, there's that.

"Heartbeat" by Kopecky Family Band
I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to suspect they're not actually a family.

"Mockingbirds" by Grant Lee Buffalo
It's not like I miss the 90s that much. I mean, they put Grant Lee Buffalo in a cage. But I really love having access to its music. I used to think I was born in the wrong generation of music. Then I realized that we have access to music in a way that no generation ever has before, where I can go from singing along to Frank Sinatra to jammin' with The Black Keys to, like, booty poppin to Lady Gaga. If that's what you're into.

"Angels" by The xx
So, The xx's new album: great stuff, truly. Very consistent in quality. But no evolution whatsoever. I love Coexist, "Angels" being my favorite from the album, but it really does sound exactly like every dosequis song ever. On another note, if you've been hiding under a rock and never watched this music video, please do so now:
"Islands" by The xx

"Far From Grace" by The Doves
Don't listen to this with people. I feel like that'd be awkward. Sit in the corner with big headphones and embrace your inner social outcast. The lead singer definitely sounds a little like Guy Garvey of Elbow. Then again, maybe that's just because they're both English... culture fail.

And you can make fun of me (if you're mean), but I want so, so badly to see the Les Mis movie. And The Great Gatsby. Yeah for bringing beautiful parts of our culture to the big screen! I hope it brings so many more people to read the books or see the musical!

I used a semicolon in this post. Kurt Vonnegut hates semicolons.

xx coco

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Today, rock'n'roll. Tomorrow, the world.

Ok, so I'm a little late in posting. But I was watching Shawshank Redemption on a laptop under the stars in a very wet field, so can you blame me?

"Bruises" by Band of Skulls
I've always really liked Band of Skulls. They do intensity well, but they aren't trying to be headbangers or anytin cray like dat. And every once in a while, the female singer's voice even sounds a little like Joan Jett's. I am a little freaked out by that album cover, particularly since it's framing the word "bruises." But don't you feel like a rebel when you listen to their music? Yeaaah.

"Shut Me Out" by Wolf & Cub
A little on the rock side of things, this song really delves into some seriously deep concepts with its lyrics. Just kidding. I'm fairly sure the only words they say are variations of "shut me out." But that's fine too, because there's a mood for songs like this.

"Vanishing Cream" by Fresh & Onlys
First off, weirdest music video ever. Ok, maybe not ever. But still really weird. Why do these filmmakers think we enjoy feeling like we're taking hardcore drugs every time we watch their videos? It's not even artistic, just weird! On another note, this song feels like a throwback. Maybe it's that echo by the girls. At any rate, it's very fast paced and quite short, and I think this was a good decision on the part of the band.

Also, there's a really great exclusive I've got and want to share, but it's going to take a little bit of blog magic to get it posted, so Monday! And on this note, I say dream sweet things, mis amigos.

xx coco

Monday, September 3, 2012

Listen up.

Some nights the sky is so dark, it seems to swallow up all the stars and threaten to eat the Earth. I hope it doesn't do that for a while. Like, until December 21, 2012

"California Daze" by Peace
Listen. I'm going to fall asleep right now. It's so perfect with floating vocals yet just enough percussion to keep it tethered to the ground. It's true love. Not to mention California daze is a familiar concept... I really hope this song does it for you like it does for me.

"Iron Doors" by The Lighthouse and the Whaler
Tonight calm would be nice. So this song is nice. Somehow the singer's voice is like a toned-down Young the Giant, a little less energetic, which really hits the spot right now. Also, someone is totally going to call me out for knowing nothing about music whatsoever, but is that violin I hear in the background? Violin makes me really, really happy.

"Sakura: Theme and Variations" composed by Yuquijiro Yocoh, performed by Mutita Narkmuang
So the other day I was at a crazy, wild dance party complete with flashing lights and tons of superheroes. Not joking. But I was getting bored of the madness and stepped outside for some air. Lo and behold, three classical guitar majors were sitting around a guitar and playing some of the most beautiful music I've heard in a long time. Every time the door opened, we'd get an earful of Flo Rida, and it just seemed funny to me that anyone would be inside listening to that when under the stars there was this incredible personal concert going on. My favorite song they played was this guy.

What a life!

xx coco

Friday, August 31, 2012

That's right.

If you haven't told anyone you loved them today, do it right now. I'm not joking. Your mom needs to know. Or your girlfriend. Or your dog. Music can wait.

Now that that's done...

"Indiscriminate Act of Kindness" by Foy Vance
Very sweet, very vocal driven, this song definitely hits the spot. It's the kind of song you want to set as your alarm in the morning because it'll wake you up gently and make you feel ok about dragging yourself out of bed. Also, it's nice and long, so you have all that extra time while you're listening to wallow in bed. Unless you've got my roommate, in which case that alarm clock had best be snoozed before it even makes a sound.

"La Grande" by Laura Gibson
Yes. Yes, yes, yes. First of all, love the intensity of this song. Her voice has a good dash of emotion, and she has that old-timey quality that seems to have fallen out of vogue in favor of, like, autotune or something. Second of all, beautifully filmed music video. The warm, desaturated look with the classy, muted red interspersed throughout... I love it. Not to mention I'm just a total sucker for most things old-fashioned. As for plot, I won't lie to you, dear readers. I wasn't exactly paying attention. I was listening and watching but not really trying to comprehend, which is ok sometimes. So plot's definitely free for your own interpretation.

"Fever" by Maps & Atlases
How cool are these guys? I was hoping to find a studio version on Youtube, but this isn't entirely displeasing. Still, you ought to go play it on iTunes or Spotify or wherever you crazy kids get your music fix. Alright, let's all just appreciate the length of the singer's beard. Amazing. Utterly amazing. He's been working on that a while. It's great how easygoing this track is. It's easy to tap your foot to, and it's really energizing in a way. Definitely add these guys to your starred list on Spotify.

In other news, I tried this new drink. Now, I'm generally a very, very adventurous person. That includes taking leaps of faith in gastronomical ventures, and rarely am I sorry. This drink made me very, very sorry. Regrets: I now have them. I don't know if you've ever heard of Kombucha, but I hadn't when I saw this guy. I had however heard about chia seeds and all their awesome health benefits and how they'd make me into a marathon runner or something. Now Kombucha, as I was not aware, is actually some demented joke on the health world because it's, according to the internet, fermented tea. All I knew when I picked up this bottle was that it looked exotic, had seeds in it, and was raspberry flavored. I don't know why I kept drinking it after the first sip. I truly don't. It had a strange jelly consistency with the seeds suspended, and I could swear it tasted just like raspberry vinaigrette. Stay clear, friends. No kombucha for anyone, ever.

And apparently, I've been spelling raspberry wrong for a long, long time. Where does that P come from?! Embarrassment.

xx coco

Monday, August 27, 2012

Wonderful World

Today I haven't much to say. That's alright sometimes. Today I'm posting music that I'm picking up from new west coast friends. Enjoy.

"She Spider" by Mew
Waaaarning! Don't get too comfortable with the volume turned up because after you think it's not going to get louder, BOOM! Only a few days ago I was introduced to Mew, and it's not really my usual genre, but for some reason I'm really digging it. It's a little bit more intense than I'm used to, but I like it.

"Stupid" by Seastroke
I recently met the drummer, and I have to say that I'm pretty impressed with this band. I wasn't really expecting to hear what I did, but their singer has a really calm, sweet voice. This song is a good combination of energy and chill. Bravo, Seastroke.

"Elephant" by Tame Impala
I had to round it out with something with a little rock to it. The voice is very Beatles, "I Am the Walrus" status. Also a huge fan of the heavy guitar in this song. Lovely beat.

So, my roommate is from Tijuana, and she's pretty much the most hilarious human being I have encountered. Ever. I have actually started a log of quotes from her. The most recent one went a little like this:

Me: "I really don't know what to write about this song."
Her (imagine the adorable, innocent Mexican accent, please): "Don't write anything! Just be like, I'm not posting anymore and my followers can suck it!"
*laughing, I reach for my phone to write it down*
Her: *offended* "Are you gonna say that?! At least give me credit!"

She then proceeded to yell at me about how I can't steal her words without paying her and how I'm not allowed in her mind.

And she's now singing a song from the next room over to the tune of that "Na Na Hey Hey Goodbye" song except the lyrics are about how I am evil. Tijuana is a less lively place with her in California.

xx coco