Saturday, September 8, 2012

Today, rock'n'roll. Tomorrow, the world.

Ok, so I'm a little late in posting. But I was watching Shawshank Redemption on a laptop under the stars in a very wet field, so can you blame me?

"Bruises" by Band of Skulls
I've always really liked Band of Skulls. They do intensity well, but they aren't trying to be headbangers or anytin cray like dat. And every once in a while, the female singer's voice even sounds a little like Joan Jett's. I am a little freaked out by that album cover, particularly since it's framing the word "bruises." But don't you feel like a rebel when you listen to their music? Yeaaah.

"Shut Me Out" by Wolf & Cub
A little on the rock side of things, this song really delves into some seriously deep concepts with its lyrics. Just kidding. I'm fairly sure the only words they say are variations of "shut me out." But that's fine too, because there's a mood for songs like this.

"Vanishing Cream" by Fresh & Onlys
First off, weirdest music video ever. Ok, maybe not ever. But still really weird. Why do these filmmakers think we enjoy feeling like we're taking hardcore drugs every time we watch their videos? It's not even artistic, just weird! On another note, this song feels like a throwback. Maybe it's that echo by the girls. At any rate, it's very fast paced and quite short, and I think this was a good decision on the part of the band.

Also, there's a really great exclusive I've got and want to share, but it's going to take a little bit of blog magic to get it posted, so Monday! And on this note, I say dream sweet things, mis amigos.

xx coco

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