Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Rebelde Sin Causa

The title of this post really doesn't have anything to do with today's music picks. I just like it.

"Cannibal Queen" by Miniature Tigers
Let's get this straight.. I love the song, but man does this video freak me out. It's ok if you want to minimize the screen the first time you listen to it so that your brain doesn't associate the song with the video for the rest of your life.

"The Quiz" by Hello Saferide
Old, but pretty sweet!

"Toothpaste Kisses" by The Maccabees
Too cute. Thanks, Britain.

"Million Years" by Alexander Ebert
Yes, that's the same Alexander of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros! Glorious? Yeah.

So, that's all good and swell. Doesn't music make it all ok?

xx coco

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