Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Play on, my friends

Hello, hello, hello! Music today? Yes.

"Featherstone" by The Paper Kites
Any attempt to describe how much I love this music video would be futile. At the end, I literally teared up. And when I say literally, I don't mean it the way California girls use it. I mean, I actually wiped a teardrop from my eye.

"The One You Say Goodnight To" by Kina Grannis
This is my second Kina song posted, but the first was her cover of "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman. Lovely girl.

"Die Young" by The Sweet Serenades
The men in the heart costumes. Watch those two. They have maracas.

And before I go today, I would like to say that I really wasn't expecting anyone but myself and this random Russian viewer to see this blog, but I absolutely adore more than anything helping other people find music that they will love like I do. So thank you. For you, I will continue to scour the face of the earth for more beautiful tunes to send your way. Any time you've got questions, comments, brilliant observations, or song suggestions, you can send them to heycococapp@gmail.com, and hopefully get a response asap! Love to hear from you!

And hey, my Russian friend that continues to follow, you're the man. Or woman.
Привет! Спасибо! Моё судно на воздушной подушке полно угрей!
^^Translations courtesy of the internet.

xx coco

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