Tuesday, October 9, 2012

New Stuff, New Stuff, Yeah!

Umm, it'll help a lot if you read the title of today's post with an excited sort of jingle. Today I have some serious gems for you!

"The One Difference Between Tattoos and Scars is the Pretty Colors" by James Wilson Howard
I'm really hoping this video player doesn't backfire on me, but I'm going to assume if I don't receive any messages, it works. James is a recent (but close) friend of mine, and I'm in awe of this guy's musical abilities. He's so handy with a guitar, and you'd never guess that the man is seriously into screamo. This song I've been wanting to upload for so long but couldn't decide how I wanted to do it. I decided to just upload a quick video of my own since this mp3 soo incredibly rare. His recorded stuff, Pacific Coast Eulogy, can't be found on the internet, so if you're interested in more of this, send me an email at heycococapp@gmail.com!

"Pillow Talk" by Wild Child
How fantastic is this song?! Lets start with the totally not obnoxious use of the ukulele. It gives the song an uplifting vibe despite the rather dismal subject. This song walks a fine line between a love song and a wistful breakup song, helped along particularly by Kelsey Wilson's vintage-sounding vocals. Expect more Wild Child in the future.

"No Nostalgia" by AgesandAges
Feel-good song of the week. Usually I'd say that harmony in nearly every line is a no go because it gets so chaotic, but somehow this song pulls it off. And it makes the unity around 2:39 that much more striking. Feel free to disagree, but somehow it feels like AgesandAges captures the feeling of youth here; it's exuberant and bright and sort of raw.

Have a lovely day, dear listeners!

xx coco

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Música, eh?

So, pumpkin season has officially begun. That's a reason to dance. Here's some music to which you can pumpkin celebration dance.

"Silver Lining" by Guards
This has been a real favorite lately. You know how there are those songs you can only listen to alone, and then there's the songs that are for listening to in more social settings? This song manages to overcome that barrier and is listenable with just about anyone. Even your grandma, if she's hip enough. [Insert awful joke about hip replacements] It's also just upbeat enough to be a good song when you're in a great mood but just subdued enough to not crash a mellow mood. Versatile little sucker.

"Gold" by Conner Youngblood
First, let's appreciate that this artist is called Conner Youngblood. Now that we're over that, Youngblood has a really recognizable sound. He's got this knack for very lofty, soothing melodies. Also, notice the banjo that strums softly in the background. I will own up to being among those of our generation totally in love with the banjo. But he does a great job of integrating a lot of different genres (his myspace labels him bluegrass/club/indie, though I'm not sure how accurate that is) into one beautiful sound.

The Hours" by Exitmusic
Besides having the most depressing visuals in the history of all time, this song can lay claim to some of the most beautiful lyrics I've heard in a long, long time. Given that most of you won't look them up, I'm taking the liberty of copying and pasting them here. You're welcome.

Give me back the hours
They're mine to waste
The city and it's sorrows holds my gaze

Crimsoned are the hours
Bled to death by idle hands of time

Look up the sky's awake, the sun is shining
The gloom and the haze have both burned away by morning
Oh, L.A., what's written in sand
Your cities and plans, the ocean will erase

Images from silence slow to wake
Prepare yourself to leave this soft, soft state
It's a chase of lightning
Brightened skyline, endless days I've longed

Home, home, home

Look up the sky's awake, the sun is shining
The gloom and the haze have both burned away by morning
Oh, L.A., what's written in sand
Your cities and plans, the ocean will erase

So the next time someone tells you poetry is gone from today's music, give them a dirty glare and start listing off the names of bands they've never heard of. You'll have tons of friends.

xx coco